
Sonic HealthPlus employs over 1,000 professionals across the country, from a wide range of backgrounds.

Regardless of where you work or what job you do, the one thing we all have in common is the want to do a great job, help out our clients, provide the best possible service and have some fun along the way.

We abide by a strong set of values which defines us as an employer and you as an employee.

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Sonic HealthPlus as an Employer

We know that happy and healthy employees are more engaged within our business, are more positive in our workplace, and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Sonic HealthPlus offers staff members health and wellbeing, financial, and social benefits in combination with career development and training opportunities. We are a leader in occupational healthcare and our priority is to ensure our team members are supported, healthy, and happy while we work together.

Financial benefits

Sonic HealthPlus offers competitive remuneration packages aligned to company and individual performance. With a paid parental leave scheme and salary packaging benefits, we support our employees during all stages of their life both inside and outside of the workplace.

Social benefits

We work hard, but have fun participating in a great range of social events. Social events and fundraisers are held throughout the country and provide staff with the opportunity to raise funds for charities, socialise with work groups, understand cultural diversity, and celebrate company milestones.

Career development

We provide regular opportunities to broaden your knowledge and advance your career. With internal training available through our RTO department, and under the Sonic HealthPlus EA, we help to develop your career in areas of interest to you.

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