Legislative Medicals
Sonic HealthPlus provides a total solution for industries requiring legislative medicals. From legislated employment medicals, injury management support to fitness for duty assessments and Medical Review Officers, we are your comprehensive healthcare provider to keep your business moving.
- Overview
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- Aviation
- Commercial Drivers
- Maritime
- Oil and Gas
- Rail Medicals
- Mine and Quarry
- Safer Together
Our Occupational and Environmental Physicians understand the legislative environment in each state and the context within which it applies to your workplace. We will ensure you are using the right services for your industry to be compliant with your peak body.
Did you know?
Approximately 3/4s of serious road transport injuries are to drivers*.
A serious maritime injury costs on average $65000 per incident*
68% of Aviation accidents occur via lifting/handling, slip/trip and falling*
43% of road transport industry injuries are related to body stressing*
A serious injury in the road transport industry typically results in 7.4 weeks away from the workforce*
Ramp incidents/accidents cost major airlines $16b a year globally, with an average of 9 incidents per 1000 departures*
*Safe Work Australia
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Our online booking system, SASS, allows corporate clients to book candidates into Sonic HealthPlus clinics, at any time of the day, 365 days a year.
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Civil Aviation Safety Authority Medicals
In order for a pilot or air traffic controller (ATC) to exercise the privileges of their license, they must hold a current medical certificate. The Aviation Medicine Branch of Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is where applications for medical certification of pilots or ATCs are assessed and issued.
Each application is considered by CASA certified Medical Review Officers who are specialists in the field of aviation medicine. The applications are assessed on a case by case basis and each time a new application is received the process commences again. These doctors assess how medical conditions and their treatments affect the safety of air navigation as detailed in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR Part 67).
In some cases, monitoring of a condition or restrictions on pilot or ATC activities is necessary to ensure aviation safety. It is important to be clear how CASA's role varies from that of the doctor caring for your health. CASA are required under law to make a risk assessment as to whether your condition is “safety-relevant” as applied in the regulations.
This is a different question to whether or not treatment is either possible or appropriate. As the regulator CASA does not recommend treatment - this is the treating doctor's role.
Whilst there may be situations where a specialist advises that there is no further treatment to recommend, this does not mean that the incapacitation risk is acceptable to CASA. Treatment options and aeromedical risk are separate issues. Where an applicant's medical condition is under review by CASA, the duration of a medical certificate may be varied at the discretion of the CASA Principal Medical Officer (PMO).
*Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australian Government, www.casa.gov.au

Commercial Drivers Medicals
Medical assessments performed on truck drivers are often referred to as "Commercial Drivers Medicals", "Dangerous Goods Medicals", "Fatigue Medicals", or "Truck Safe Medicals". But these terms are used somewhat interchangeably, without necessarily understanding exactly what is required with the jurisdictional legislation for which the examination is being undertaken. This may lead to confusion, so it’s important that we gain a clear understanding regarding your requirements.
There are potentially five licensing/accrediting authorities that clients can choose from when deciding to offer a Dangerous Goods Medical, Commercial Drivers Medical, Heavy Vehicle Drivers Medical, Fatigue Medical or Truck Safe Medical.
Assessing fitness to drive, and the commercial drivers standards contained therein is a standard which has been adopted by a number of different jurisdictions and for a number of different purposes. As a result, the term "Commercial Drivers Medical" could be requested in a number of different circumstances, and does not explain the reason why the assessment is being undertaken. We need to understand the reason to ensure that we provide the correct service.
Most truck drivers are not required to undergo regular medical examination as a prerequisite to holding a commercial vehicle licence. However, certain categories of commercial vehicle license holders are required to undertake regular medical examinations. This varies slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but may include:
- public passenger vehicle drivers
- those over a specified age, 70 or 75
- those identified as having a medical condition
- those driving specific classes of vehicles, e.g. MC - road trains
- driving instructors
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) – Basic & Advanced Fatigue Management
The NHVR is a one stop shop for all heavy vehicle transport business with government across Australia. Under this scheme road transport operators may seek accreditation under any or all of the following modules:
Sonic HealthPlus clients most commonly consult us about the third module; Fatigue Management.
Requests for a medical assessment under Fatigue Management may be colloquially referred to as a “Fatigue Medical”. Please note that the NHVAS have not created a specific “Fatigue Medical”. The accreditation scheme requires only that drivers are certified as being fit to drive a heavy vehicle by a medical practitioner according to the Assessing Fitness to Drive by Austroads (or equivalent document approved by the Australian Transport Council). The examination must include an assessment to detect drivers in the high risk group for sleep disorders. The examination includes the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.
Examinations to be conducted, as a minimum, once every three years for drivers aged 49 or under, and yearly for drivers aged 50 or over that the basic medical be undertaken.”

Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Medical Examinations
The purpose of an Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) medical examination is to assist Medical Inspectors of Seafarers (MIS) to decide if the applicant demonstrates any functional or musculoskeletal disability which could interfere with his/her ability to safely go out to sea. Safety is defined as the applicant’s capacity to work without risk to their own or other’s health and safety.
The assessment is used to report to the MIS any musculoskeletal/functional findings observed during the performance of test items which are designed to take into consideration the functional tasks required of seafarers.
The coordination and administration of all Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) medical examinations leading to the issue of a Certificate of Medical Fitness under Marine Orders Part 9, are administered by Sonic HealthPlus on behalf of AMSA.
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Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) & Offshore Medicals
Workers need to pass an Offshore Medical Examination if they wish to work offshore within the Oil and Gas industry. The Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) and Offshore Medical is valid for two years and allows an employee to work in the UK sector or the North Sea. These medicals must be performed by a ‘Registered Medical Practitioner’ with Oil and Gas UK in order to provide an accredited medical certificate.
These medicals consist of:
BMI – measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index
Completion of Candidate Health History Questionnaire
Near, Distance and Colour Vision
Urinalysis – routine urine test with immediate result
Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement
Lung Function Test (peak flow)
Audiogram (hearing test)
An EBS questionnaire may alo need to be completed. The objective of the fitness for in‐water EBS training is to:
a) Ensure trainees have understood the nature of the hazard of barotrauma, that some medical conditions may increase the risk, and the importance of providing an accurate medical history in order to individually assess risk
b) Classify trainees as either 'fit' or 'unfit' for in‐water EBS training as simply as possible
c) Ensure all trainees have received explanation of risk mitigation measures in general, and that trainees with medical conditions have received personalised risk mitigation advice relevant to their condition
d) Provide documentary confirmation of fitness status, for employers and training providers
More information on this can be found on the OGUK website
Sonic HealthPlus has registered medical practitioners in most states and territories who can perform OGUK Medicals.
Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) can also be added to provide participants with essential post-accident water survival techniques such as life jacket and life raft training.

Rail Medicals
Rail Safety Workers Medical Assessments are designed to ensure that all rail workers are safely able to perform the duties of their role, including the ability to hear instructions and maintain an awareness of their surroundings whilst in the rail corridor. As per the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers, these medicals must be performed by an ‘Authorised Health Professional’.
Sonic HealthPlus provides Rail Safety Medicals in all states and territories.
Rail CAT 1 Medical Assessment
Applies to rail safety workers who undertake safety critical work and whose ill health may result in sudden incapacity or collapse leading to a serious incident affecting public safety or the rail network. The candidate will be required to have a blood test as part of their assessment.
Candidates are not required to fast for these tests.
The employer is not entitled to receive any medical information about the candidate, however a summary of the assessment will be provided as evidence of the candidate’s fitness to perform rail safety work.
Rail CAT 2 Medical Assessments
Applies to rail safety workers who undertake safety critical work where sudden incapacity will not impact on the safety of the public or the rail network.
Rail CAT 3 Medical Assessment
Applies to rail safety workers who undertake non-safety critical work and whose health and fitness does not impact directly on the rail network but who are required to protect their own safety and that of other workers.
Mine and Quarry
Health Monitoring Requirements for the NSW Coal Industry
The re-identification of coal workers pneumoconiosis in 2016, led to a review of the NSW Coal Mine Workers Order 41. The Coal Services Board approved changes to strengthen the Order, changing the health monitoring requirements for NSW coal workers as of the 1 July 2018.
Coal Services Health Monitoring Requirements for Coal Mine Workers Order No. 43 builds on the Order 41 processes and systems established to protect the health and safety of workers in the NSW coal industry.
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Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme
As a consequence of the detection of “black lung” in some Queensland Miners in 2016 a review of the medical assessments process was competed.
Legislation changes came into effect in 2018, with further changes in 2019. All changes are aimed to ensure coal employees are adequately screened for Coal Miners pneumoconiosis or “black lung”. Sonic HealthPlus’ Chief Medical Officer Dr Keith Adam, has been working closely with the Queensland Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ) to ensure changes are implemented through the Sonic HealthPlus business.
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Safer Together Medical
The Safer Together is a member-led organisation comprising of Oil and Gas Exploration, Production Industry Operating companies and Contract Partner companies. They have designed a Safer Together Medical Assessment Guideline and medical to ensure consistency across the industry. These medicals also assist contractors in being able to use this medical to access different sites without the need to complete a new medical for every site.
Our Medical Practitioners perform the fitness to work medical assessment based on the Safer Together Medical Assessment guideline. The medical covers a number of areas including your mental health and wellbeing, family history, and general health such as cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure.
For further information on this industry led medical please view the Safer Together website here.
To book your own medical please call our bookings team or enquire below.
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