Occupational Physician Consulting Services
Occupational Medicine is the branch of medicine that focuses on health in the workplace, including the prevention and treatment of injury, illness and disease.
How it works
Occupational Medicine is the branch of medicine that focuses on health in the workplace, including the prevention and treatment of injury, illness and disease.
How it works
Occupational Medicine is the branch of medicine that focuses on health in the workplace, including the prevention and treatment of injury, illness and disease.
How it works
As specialists in workplace health, Occupational Physicians have a broad background not only in general medicine but also in specific workplace health issues including ergonomics and toxicology.
By translating this knowledge to the tasks being performed and the environment in which we work, an Occupational Physician helps to maintain an employee’s good health whilst at work.
Whilst Occupational Physicians are concerned with the health of individuals, they also work closely with your organisation to get the best outcome for the entire team and business as a whole. Their clinical knowledge and judgement takes into account clinical, psycho social and economic impacts of injury and sickness absences from the workplace for the individual and organisation.
Occupational Physicians understand the workplace and the health and safety framework you work within. Our comprehensive suite of services and health professionals are geared towards keeping your workforce safe, healthy and productive.
Workplaces identify a risk within their workplace that they need to mitigate in order to maintain a healthy and safe environment for their employees. These can take several forms such as:
Once the risk has been identified, you will then need to understand how to mitigate it.
Our Client Partner and Specialised Services team will discuss your needs and the risks you are looking to mitigate and put you in touch with the most appropriate clinicians to meet the unique requirements of your business. This may include our Doctors calling or visiting your business to discuss your risks and how that affects the health and wellbeing of your employees.
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Our team will then provide you with a quote or proposal outlining the recommended course of actions specific to your needs.
Need help understanding your results? Sonic HealthPlus Specialised Services division provides Medical Review Officer (MRO) services for drug and alcohol testing.
Substance abuse disorders and their management
Alcohol and other drug testing procedures and methodologies
Interpretation of test results including alternative medical explanations for laboratory confirmed results
Pharmacology of illicit drugs
Ethical and privacy issues surrounding workplace drug and alcohol testing
Laboratory methodology and quality control
Legislation and recommended standards in regards to drug and alcohol programs
Fitness for work and other medical related safety issues
Drug and alcohol validation. Validation of all testing documentation, sample integrity and results interpretation. MRO provides a report.This service includes phone consultation with relevant parties i.e. worker, supervisor.
Validation of all testing documentation. MRO provides a report. This service includes phone consultation with relevant parties.
MRO makes contact with supervisor/employee and determines whether employee is fit to continue in job without risk to himself or others. Confirmatory testing takes place (circa 48 hours) and results are forwarded to MRO. MRO determines whether drug results are positive or negative i.e. consistent with declared drug usage.
If ‘negative’
MRO writes final report and case is closed.
If ‘positive’
MRO writes final report - sends to company. Company to manage employee as per their drug and alcohol policy.
MRO’s can provide valuable advice in the development of a quality drug and alcohol policy. Please contact our Specialised Services Unit for a proposal if you wish to take advantage of this beneficial consultancy.
We can provide advice regarding complex cases such as those of a sensitive nature or where a decision regarding cause or ongoing risk is yet to be determined.
An Independent Medical Examination (IME) is an impartial third-party medical assessment of a worker’s injury or illness. It includes a report identifying the cause of the injury or illness, the level to which it is work-related, the worker’s capacity for employment and their need for ongoing medical treatment. An IME is often required when existing information regarding a workplace injury or illness is inadequate, unavailable, inconsistent or undetermined.
A Fitness for Duty/ Work (FFW) is an assessment of an injured worker’s ability to safely perform their normal duties, regardless of whether the injury is related to work or not. The assessment includes a report outlining the tasks the worker can safely perform and what strategies should be implemented to minimise risk. This kind of assessment is often required when a worker is suffering from a medical or psychological conditions or when a non-work related medical problem affects their ability to safely perform duties.
This is an impartial independent evaluation of a worker’s ability to carry out their standard job requirements after experiencing an injury or illness. The assessment includes an evidence-based report detailing the impact of the injury or illness on the ability of the worker to perform their role. The assessment can be used to make informed decisions regarding their return to work and potential compensation claims.
This assessment determines the level of anatomical and functional loss a worker has experienced due to a workplace injury or illness. The assessment is often used to quantify the financial payments associated with a loss and is compliant with state-based legislation and conforms to set provisions.
Our Chief Medical Advisory services provide the benefits and expertise of an Occupational Physician, without the time and expense involved in permanently hiring one. We connect you with Occupational Physicians who can provide skilled advice specific to your workforce at an affordable cost.
This advisory service is for an ongoing consultancy provided to your organisation on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly retainer. The work may include such things as:
Informing your organisation of emerging occupational health issues and risk minimisation
Assisting with environmental issues as they pertain to organisational activities
Assisting in the development of best practice policies
Assisting in the refinement/development of performance standards
Liaison with relevant stakeholders regarding the full range of employee health issues from pre-employment to retirement and injury management
Visiting work locations to support the company in the management and implementation of best practice occupational health systems, as requested
Analysing and reporting on a company's occupational health data
Medical Review Officer services for alcohol and other drugs
Liaising with local, regional and international health services, doctors and specialists as required to support best practice health management of injured and ill employees
Where requested, support Health Safety and Environment (HSE) personnel in the development, implementation and review of health risk management and surveillance programs such as emergency response, medical evacuation and mental health initiatives
Oversight of biological screening
Chart reviews and medical determinations
Achieving all of the above is possible when you have a trusted expert in risk management working at the interface of a workplace and health. Our team of skilled and experienced Occupational Physicians can provide services that will assist your organisation manage health risks across the continuum of employment.
Our expert panel of professionals provide advice on various aspects of work, health and the environment including:
Emerging occupational health issues and risk mitigation
Development of best-practice Health Safety and Environment (HSE) policies
Analysis and reporting on a company’s occupational health data
Where requested, supporting HSE personnel in the development, implementation and review of health risk management and surveillance programs such as emergency response, medical evacuation and mental health initiatives
Some organisations require an Occupational Physician or nominated medical advisor to review and sign-off pre-employment or periodic medical assessments. Our team of Occupational Physicians and senior Registrars can provide this service.
Our specialist experience in regulated industries in all jurisdictions is unparalleled. We have been a workplace partner in some of the biggest oil and gas projects, and importantly even critical single operator projects. Sonic HealthPlus provides specialist advice on projects from the tropics of Papua New Guinea to Australian bases in Antarctica by supporting industries such as:
Occupational hygiene uses science and engineering to measure the extent of worker exposure to hazards and implement appropriate control strategies to prevent ill health caused by a working environment. It helps employers and employees understand the risks, and promotes improved working conditions and working practices.
Assess health risks for employees and develop proactive monitoring programs to meet industry compliance needs
Monitor your employee’s exposure to workplace hazards
Sample and analyse occupational hygiene hazards associated with mining operations and other industries
Control the workplace hazards present in your business
The ultimate purpose of workplace health risk assessments is to enable employers to make informed decisions on protecting the health of their workers.
We are regularly invited to provide site risk assessments (in various industries) on incidents involving per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), lead, coal, crystalline silica, contaminated land and all hazardous substances as per Safe Work Australia. We advise workplaces on sick building, legionella, mould, formaldehyde and other exposures. Our Physicians have been entrusted by the Queensland Government to provide risk assessments on asbestos in schools and to advise Fire Emergency Services on PFAS exposure. They have also provided these services to national public entities and other industries.
Heat is a hazard in many Australian workplaces, whether work is performed indoors or outdoors. The human body needs to maintain a body temperature of approximately 37 degrees Celsius
If the body has to work too hard to keep cool or starts to overheat a worker begins to suffer from heat-related illness. This is a general term to describe a range of progressive heat related conditions including fainting, heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
Some other common effects of working in heat include:
Working in heat can be hazardous and can cause harm to workers. As a business you must do everything that is reasonably practicable to eliminate the risks associated with working in heat. This may include cancelling certain work tasks, rescheduling tasks to cooler parts of the day or waiting for hot conditions to pass. If you cannot eliminate the risk, you must minimise it as much as reasonably practicable. Remember, heat that represents a hazard to workers may be generated by more than just weather conditions. You may find a combination of controls to be the most effective.
If you assess that the risk to your workers associated with working in heat are too high to be controlled you could engage an Occupational Physician to perform a professional risk assessment and devise a management plan for your business.
Confined spaces are usually not designed for people to work in. They often have poor ventilation, which allows hazardous atmospheres to quickly develop, especially if the space is small. In addition, hazards are not always obvious and may change from one entry point to the next.
A risk assessment involves considering what could happen if someone is exposed to a hazard and the likelihood of it happening. Under the model WHS Regulations, carrying out a risk assessment is mandatory for working in a confined space.
The hazards associated with confined spaces are many and varied and include:
Your organisation should ensure that your workers are fit to work in these environments and are able to escape safely if they need to. Australian Standard AS 2865-2009 outlines risk management strategies and recommends medical assessment for fitness to work in confined spaces.
Sonic HealthPlus, can design a Confined Space Entry Medical Assessment for your organisation based on inherent risks. Typically in an assessment of this kind you could anticipate screening that would include:
Sonic HealthPlus conducts confined space medical examinations and we would be pleased to assist you with this service.
Whole-body vibration (WBV) is vibration transmitted to the whole body by the surface supporting it, for example through a seat or the floor.
It is commonly experienced by drivers, operators and passengers in mobile plant when travelling over uneven surfaces. WBV may also be experienced while standing, for example standing on platforms attached to concrete crushing plant. WBV includes sharp impacts like shocks and jolts.
Exposure to WBV mainly occurs in vehicles used off-road or on un-sealed roads, for example on farms and construction, mine and quarry sites. It can also occur in other places like in small, fast boats and in helicopters.
Studies of long-term exposure to WBV show evidence of risks to health, mainly musculoskeletal disorders involving the lower spine, neck and shoulders. High WBV exposure increases the risk of lower-back pain, herniated discs and early degeneration of the spine.
Other factors may cause or contribute to back pain, shoulder and neck disorders, for example working posture, body size, muscle tone, physical workload and individual factors like age, pre-existing disorders and muscle force.
Exposure to WBV may cause or make worse:
Exposure to WBV may also cause discomfort, fatigue and other problems when work activities are being carried out. This could lead to incidents.
There is some evidence workers who use vibrating plant and are exposed to noise at the same time are more likely to suffer hearing loss than workers exposed to the same level of noise alone. Exposure to both vibration and noise is also understood to increase musculoskeletal problems.
Workers should seek medical advice or be referred to a medical practitioner if they experience discomfort, numbness, tingling or pain during use or following use of plant which exposes them to WBV.
Workers can complete an annual questionnaire about lower back pain and other symptoms to identify if they should be checked by an Occupational Physician.
If your team works outside or in a cold storage facility, they may be at risk of exposure to extreme cold. Prolonged exposure to cold can result in hypothermia, a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.
Your workplace must have measures in place to manage the risks to your health and safety caused by exposure to cold weather and temperatures such as:
Eliminating exposure to cold is the best protection.
The ideal temperature for sedentary work is between 20 and 26 degrees Celsius, depending on the time of year and clothing worn.
Our bodies are unable to acclimatize to the cold in the same manner that they can adapt to heat. When the body is unable to warm itself, serious cold-related illnesses and injury may occur and permanent tissue damage and death may result. Cold related illness can slowly overcome a person who has been chilled by low temperatures, brisk winds or wet clothing. Cold stress is associated with low temperature, high air movement and humidity, for example, from a blast of cold, wet wind.
Lowering of body temperature (hypothermia) has an effect on the brain, causing erratic behaviour and numbness, muscular weakness and cramps. Hypothermia can occur when land temperatures are above freezing or water temperatures are below 37° Celsius. Its symptoms are fatigue and drowsiness, uncontrolled shivering, cool bluish skin, slurred speech, clumsy movements, irritable, irrational or confused behaviour.
Localised exposure to cold may cause frostbite and chilblains. Frostbite occurs through freezing in deep layers of skin and tissue causing waxy-white skin. The skin becomes hard and numb and usually affects the fingers, hands, toes, feet ears and nose first.
Long-term effects of working in the cold include: arthritis, rheumatism, chest complaints and heart disease, because of the strain on the heart caused by circulatory changes.
All cases of cold illnesses must be taken seriously and medical attention must be sought as soon as possible. All cases of frostbite must be treated as an emergency and the patient taken to hospital.
Our Occupational and Environmental Physicians can assist your organisation develop policies that prevent temperature injuries. They will also identify workers at risk of injury from extreme temperatures which may include;
We can also design specific medicals for workers going to work in cold environments to ensure these workers are safe to conduct their tasks without risk to themselves and others.
Mould is a type of fungus that can be found everywhere indoors and outdoors. Exposure can be via inhalation, skin contact or ingestion. Health issues associated with mould include irritation of eyes, nose, throat and skin, allergic reactions, infection and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. There is a risk increase for those that have existing RD conditions or other low immunity conditions.
Bacterial infections can be highly contagious and can affect the throat, lungs, skin, bowel and many other parts of the body. To avoid spreading infection you should wash hands, cover up when sneezing and coughing, and not share cups and drink bottles. Pneumonia, meningitis and food poisoning are a few of the illnesses to be caused by bacteria.
Viruses are a different type of pathogen to bacteria. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and cannot reproduce on their own. Instead, viruses reproduce by infecting a host and using the host’s DNA repair and replication systems to make copies of itself. Viruses cause chicken pox, influenza and HIV. They affect many bodily systems including reproductive, respiratory and gastrointestinal. Can be transferred by touch, saliva, air particles, insects including ticks and mosquitoes as well as via contaminated food and water.
Foodborne viral illness, are generally transferred by those who do not wash hands adequately after visiting the restroom. Afterwards, they may shake hands, prepare food or touch hard surfaces and spread the illness. Viral gastroenteritis will inflame the stomach and intestines, symptoms will manifest as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain (food poisoning). Hepatitis A is another virus related to food handling and inadequate hand washing, where an infected person can pass on the virus.
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For all QLD & NSW Coal Board Requests, please call 1300 763 822.