How it works

All Queensland coal mine workers are required under legislation to complete a health assessment. The Queensland Government, via the independent regulator Resources Safety and Health RSHQ, have designed the online portal (ResHealth) to undertake these health assessments. It is now mandatory that this portal is used.

Prior to organising your booking with us you will need to complete a number of steps through ResHealth. They offer a Support Guides for Employers to help employers navigate this process.

Change of Employer

A coal worker changing employer must undergo health assessment (CMWHS) relevant to their new employer.  This new assessment will need to be initiated through ResHealth by the new employer and the worker will be required to log on to ResHealth and complete their section.  Once completed an email will go through to their AMA (Appointed Medical Advisor) to notify the AMA that the assessment is ready for review.  If new information is required before the assessment can be completed (e.g. new ILO CXR) then the AMA will advise.

The employer will also need to contact Sonic HealthPlus Mackay on 07 49 525 100 (option 3) or email

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We have created a step-by-step summary guide to provide an understanding of the process required.

Download guide

As of 1 April, 2023 it is now mandatory to begin the booking process for Qld Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme medicals through Resources Safety and Health (Qld) (RSHQ) – officially known as ResHealth. For more information, please visit:

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